Code usage
Code Usage Overview
Welcome to the Consentium IoT code usage guide! This section provides an overview of how to implement various APIs and development environments for Consentium IoT-enabled devices.
Available APIs
1. ConsentiumThings Python API
Learn how to use the ConsentiumThings Python API for interacting with Consentium IoT devices, including sensor data handling and device management.
2. ConsentiumThings Arduino API
Get started with the ConsentiumThings Arduino API for seamless integration with Arduino-based hardware. This section also covers how to perform over-the-air (OTA) updates for Consentium IoT devices.
3. Arduino Data Receiver API
Understand how to implement the data receiver API for ConsentiumThings to manage and handle incoming data from your IoT devices.
Tutorials and Setup
- Adding NodeMCU Support to Arduino IDE
Step-by-step instructions to add support for NodeMCU devices within the Arduino IDE.
- Adding ESP32 Support to Arduino IDE
Learn how to set up the ESP32 board support in your Arduino IDE to start programming Consentium IoT devices based on this platform.
Last updated