Sensor Data API Documentation

This API allows the creation, update, retrieval, and management of sensor data associated with various boards. Each board can have multiple sensors with unique data points.

Base URL


All API requests require authentication via sendkey or receivekey, depending on the type of operation (e.g., sending or receiving data). The keys should be included as URL parameters.

Request Authentication Parameters:

  • sendkey: A key used for authenticated operations such as creating or deleting data.

  • receivekey: A key used to retrieve or read data from the board.

Endpoints Overview

HTTP Method



Create or update sensor data on a board.



Retrieve all sensor data for a specific board.



Retrieve the most recent sensor data for a specific board.

1. Create or Update Sensor Data (POST)


POST /updatedata?key=YOUR_SEND_KEY&boardkey=YOUR_BOARD_KEY


This API endpoint is used to create new sensor data or update existing sensor data for a specific board. Up to seven sensors can be updated simultaneously for a board. Each sensor has an info field (which provides a label or description) and a data field (which stores the value for that sensor).

URL Parameters

  • key=YOUR_SEND_KEY (required): The authentication key used to authorize the creation or update of sensor data.

  • boardkey=YOUR_BOARD_KEY (required): The unique identifier for the board to which the sensor data will be added.

Request Body Format

The body must include a JSON object with an array of sensors. Each sensor entry contains:

  • info: A string describing the sensor (e.g., "Temperature", "Humidity").

  • data: A numeric value representing the data for that sensor.

  • firmwarefirmwareVersion: A numeric value representing the firmware version for that board.

  • architecture: A string value representing the board type (e.g. ESP32, ESP8266, GenericPython)

Example Request Body

    "sensors": {
        "sensorData": [
                "info": "Temperature",
                "data": "34.00"
                "info": "Humidity",
                "data": "90.00"
    "boardInfo": {
        "firmwareVersion": "0.0",
        "architecture": "ESP32"


  • 200 OK: The sensor data was successfully created or updated.

  • 400 Bad Request: There was an issue with the request (e.g., malformed body, missing parameters).

Example Response

  "message": "Sensor data updated successfully"

2. Get All Sensors for a Board (GET)


GET /getdata?receivekey=YOUR_RECEIVE_KEY&boardkey=YOUR_BOARD_KEY


This API retrieves all the sensor data associated with a specific board. It returns an array of sensor data, each containing information such as the sensor type (info) and its recorded value (data).

URL Parameters

  • receivekey=YOUR_RECEIVE_KEY (required): The authentication key used to retrieve sensor data.

  • boardkey=YOUR_BOARD_KEY (required): The unique identifier for the board from which the sensor data will be retrieved.


  • 200 OK: A JSON array of sensor data is returned.

  • 400 Bad Request: The request is invalid (e.g., missing or incorrect parameters).

Example Response

  "sensors": [
      "info": "Humidity",
      "data": "230"
      "info": "Temperature",
      "data": "24"

3. Get the Most Recent Sensor Data (GET)


GET /getdata/recent?receivekey=YOUR_RECEIVE_KEY&boardkey=YOUR_BOARD_KEY


This API fetches the most recent sensor data entry for a specified board. It is particularly useful for monitoring real-time updates or viewing the latest data points for a board.

URL Parameters

  • receivekey=YOUR_RECEIVE_KEY (required): The authentication key used to retrieve the most recent sensor data.

  • boardkey=YOUR_BOARD_KEY (required): The unique identifier for the board from which the most recent sensor data will be retrieved.


  • 200 OK: The most recent sensor data is returned in JSON format.

  • 400 Bad Request: The request is invalid (e.g., missing or incorrect parameters).

Example Response

  "info": "Temperature",
  "data": "24",
  "timestamp": "2024-09-03T12:34:56Z"

Error Handling

The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Here's a summary of the potential errors:

Status Code
Error Message

200 OK


The request was successful, and the response contains the data requested.

400 Bad Request

Invalid request

There was a problem with the request. This could be due to missing required parameters or an invalid request format.

401 Unauthorized

Invalid or missing API key

The provided sendkey or receivekey is either missing or invalid. Please ensure the key is correct and has the appropriate permissions.

404 Not Found

Board not found

The boardkey provided does not match any existing boards. Ensure the board key is correct.

Best Practices

  • Rate Limiting: Avoid sending too many requests in a short period. Implement proper rate-limiting mechanisms in your application to prevent being throttled.

  • Error Handling: Always check for non-200 status codes and handle them appropriately in your application (e.g., retry logic, user-friendly error messages).

  • Data Validation: Ensure that the info field in sensor data accurately describes the sensor and that the data field contains appropriate numeric values. This ensures consistency and readability when retrieving sensor data later.

Last updated