ConsentiumNow Library API

The ConsentiumNow library simplifies the implementation of ESP-NOW communication for ESP32 devices. It provides a templated, type-safe interface for transmitting and receiving structured data between devices.

Class: ConsentiumNow

The ConsentiumNow class is a templated class designed to handle communication using ESP-NOW. DataType is a user-defined struct or class representing the data to be exchanged.

Template Parameter

  • DataType: A user-defined data structure (e.g., a struct) that represents the data to be sent/received. Must be serializable (e.g., no pointers or virtual members).

Public Methods



Initializes the ConsentiumNow object. Does not perform any hardware initialization.

void receiveBegin()

Initializes ESP-NOW in receive mode.

  • Purpose: Sets up the ESP32 to receive data over ESP-NOW and register a callback function to handle incoming messages.

  • Usage:

  • Output: Prints initialization status to Serial.

*void sendBegin(const uint8_t peerMac)

Initializes ESP-NOW in send mode and sets the receiver’s MAC address.

  • Parameters:

    • peerMac: A 6-byte array representing the receiver's MAC address.

  • Usage:

    uint8_t receiverMac[] = {0x24, 0x6F, 0x28, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33};
  • Output: Prints initialization status to Serial.

*bool addPeer(const uint8_t peerMac)

Adds a peer (sender or receiver) to the ESP-NOW network.

  • Parameters:

    • peerMac: A 6-byte array representing the MAC address of the peer to be added.

  • Returns:

    • true if the peer is added successfully.

    • false if the operation fails.

  • Usage:

    uint8_t senderMac[] = {0x24, 0x6F, 0x28, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC};
    bool success = consentiumNowInstance.addPeer(senderMac);
  • Output: Prints success/failure status to Serial.

void sendData(const DataType &data)

Sends data to the predefined receiver.

  • Parameters:

    • data: A reference to the DataType object containing the data to be sent.

  • Usage:

    SensorData sensorData = {25.5, 60.0};
  • Output:

    • Prints success/failure status to Serial.

bool isDataAvailable()

Checks if new data has been received.

  • Returns:

    • true if new data is available.

    • false if no data is available.

  • Usage:

    if (consentiumNowInstance.isDataAvailable()) {
        // Handle received data

DataType getReceivedData()

Retrieves the most recently received data.

  • Returns:

    • The received data of type DataType.

  • Usage:

    SensorData receivedData = consentiumNowInstance.getReceivedData();
    Serial.printf("Temperature: %.2f, Humidity: %.2f\n", 
                  receivedData.temperature, receivedData.humidity);
  • Note: Resets the data availability flag.

void readMacAddress()

Prints the MAC address of the ESP32 to the Serial monitor.

  • Purpose: Useful for identifying devices in an ESP-NOW network.

  • Usage:


Static Callback Methods

void onDataReceive(const esp_now_recv_info_t info, const uint8_t incoming, int len)

Handles incoming ESP-NOW messages. Automatically called when data is received.

  • Parameters:

    • info: Information about the sender (e.g., MAC address).

    • incoming: Pointer to the incoming data.

    • len: Length of the received data.

  • Purpose: Parses and stores incoming data in the incomingData buffer and sets the dataAvailable flag.

  • Usage: Registered automatically by receiveBegin().

Static Variables

DataType incomingData

Holds the latest received data.

  • Scope: Private (access via getReceivedData()).

bool dataAvailable

Indicates whether new data has been received.

  • Scope: Private (access via isDataAvailable()).

Example: Using ConsentiumNow

Receiver Code

#include "ConsentiumNow.h"

struct SensorData {
    float temperature;
    float humidity;

ConsentiumNow<SensorData> receiver;

void setup() {

void loop() {
    if (receiver.isDataAvailable()) {
        SensorData data = receiver.getReceivedData();
        Serial.printf("Temperature: %.2f, Humidity: %.2f\n", 
                      data.temperature, data.humidity);

Sender Code

#include "ConsentiumNow.h"

struct SensorData {
    float temperature;
    float humidity;

ConsentiumNow<SensorData> sender;

uint8_t receiverMac[] = {0x24, 0x6F, 0x28, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33};

void setup() {

void loop() {
    SensorData data = {random(200, 300) / 10.0, random(400, 600) / 10.0};


  • Templated Design: Flexibility to handle any structured data.

  • Static Methods: Callback management for receiving data.

  • Ease of Use: Abstracts ESP-NOW complexity, focusing on data exchange.

Known Limitations

  1. Peer Management: Must manually add peers to the network using addPeer().

  2. Static Data Buffer: Only one instance of incoming data can be stored.

Last updated